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Oblikovanje: 10/10/2010 14:35
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rachelrouge :: Sensing the unseen.

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Člen: Sensing the unseen. - 10/10/2010 14:39

Sensing the unseen.

Dear friends in Christ. I would like to share my experience with you today, the 10-10-10. I was given a moment. A moment that I always doubted, a moment that I always thought I did not deserve. I was one among the regular church goers. I am a member of The Garrison church, St.Thomas mount It is a CSI-Anglican church but I also visit other churches. I received my confirmation on 19-09-10, from then on I really wanted to dedicate myself to Christ and do things that would reflect His ways. It was on the following weekend my mom had gone out of station and I was bored. So I called few friends home and we were talking and having fun. Later came to know that there was an accusation from my neighbors because I had called boys and girls home, who were also human beings. Mom came back and I had explained everything to her. My mom was worried and somehow managed to get me worked up.  She would stay calm after blurting it out and I would still keep worrying. The week that followed, and the week after that was a real mess because that thought was on and off my mind. Neighbors really didn’t talk to us.  Sheeba, who lives in the neighborhood, was a good friend and sister. She kept saying, “Let’s go to AG next week. I, with a normal tone replied, “May be the week after that. Its first Sunday next week and I want to go to Garrison. Ok?”  She disappointedly said “ok”.  After visiting Garrison the next Sunday, everything was as it was. Nothing changed. By the end of that week, there was a misunderstanding with one of my childhood friends and that again troubled my mind. We didn’t keep in touch but surprisingly he said come to AG this Sunday, we have a malayalee preacher coming and it would be funny. No offence here. He actually meant the accent.

Sunday finally arrived and mom, Sheeba and I got ready to go. We were late and joined the group in the worship. While singing songs my mind kept thinking of whatever happened for the past two weeks and my heart was troubled. I saw a lady standing diagonally to me who kept shaking and crying. I had these questions running in my mind “why most people from the Pentecostal background claim to receive the Holy Spirit and why not others. Does it really exist? I dint do anything wrong, I have been good. Why is my heart troubled then and why are my thoughts wandering?” I blamed the church “This church doesn’t have an altar to focus and meditate. Let me just close my eyes”. I sang along with the rest of the congregation. All of a sudden I felt some cosmic waves through my head and it almost got me to the ground. I thought maybe it was due to hunger.  I resisted. I kept my feet apart and continued to sing with eyes shut. I raised both my arms slightly and there it goes again. There were tremors down my arms and my mouth started speaking. I got the picture of Mohammed Ali, the boxer. I was scared and called out to mom. The tremors started to lighten and then I realized it was not a disease. I said “sorry please be with me” and I continued to shake. The spirit of God just poured into me and I couldn’t believe it was happening to me.

 Everyone settled down for sermon and to my surprise it was about Moses and God plans for him. I passed a similar article earlier and today I realized it had answered all the questions that I had in mind.  After the sermon, we sang a song. I had my arms a little open and the same force, the Spirit of God, stretched my arms wider to a full 180 degree. I did not believe it had happened to me. I was so happy and all the troubling thoughts I had just disappeared. There was a sense of peace.  My heart stood calm.

So my dear people in Christ, believing without seeing are twice blessed. I learnt that the Holy Spirit can descend anytime and to anyone who really surrenders himself from the bottom of his heart. It should be a true commitment. Bring yourself to Him and you will see and feel His divine presence.

I shared my experience with my cousins and few friends.  Many of them said it’s a blessing, a gift that I have to not only treasure but also nurture. This is my story and this is for all.